Our Products



The Buffalo screw series allows you to reach solutions to problems that arise during the project. The quality of the screws gives you peace of mind and a promise of a quick and efficient solution

316 stainless steel screw

Screw for screwing directly into concrete

ביט טורקס T40

Adapter for anchor points

A steel anchoring stake for Davidg

Steel anchor FX01 anchor point

Steel anchor LW01 anchor point

Anchor for attaching insulation


Sealing products

Professional sealing solutions for a variety of uses. Seals, flexible, rigid sealing materials and more. Reliable protection against leaks and water.

אקדח ריב-סטופ חשמלי ( BUF )

קליפסים לעצר מים מכני

ריב-סטופ אקדח X

ריב-סטופ אקדח

Normal/lite protective ring

stripper strip for sealing

ContecSEAL 150 mechanical water stop

עצר מים בנטונייט

Polivar+ chemical water stop

DuexSwell stopped chemical water

Rib-stop stopped water and sealed gases



A variety of metal and plastic tubes for a stable connection of screws. Suitable for a variety of uses.

אקדח מולטי – מיני

צינור לפי מידה

Rib-Pip (Multi)



Strong and durable becks for all types of materials. Epoxy glues, hot glues, two-component glues and more. A fast and strong solution for gluing.

אחד אקדח לדבק דו רכיבי ( 400 מ״ל)

אקדח לסיליקון / דבק ( 300 מ״ל )

ספירלה לדבק אפוקסי

Two-component glue DG02

Two-component glue DG01

Akfix High Tack multipurpose adhesive



High-quality silicone for a variety of uses. Sealing wet rooms, gluing various materials, sealing windows and more.

Akfix P637FC קונסטרקשן לאיטום תפרים

Akfix 918N neutral sanitary silicone

Akfix 1100E multipurpose silicone


Gloves and more

וו לקשירת ברזל

אקדח לנקניק (600 מ"ל)


Manual blower for cleaning holes

work gloves


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